You Abide Among the Ancestors
You have abided twelve years among the ancestors. I have missed you all the while. In Summer heat I long for you. In Winter's cold I search for you In Autumn's harvest I listen for your laugh. In Spring's blooming I yearn to hear your voice. But you are gone from me to the place only my heart may visit Betwixt dreams and waking. Favor me still my boy and speak well of me among the dead. You were bold and bright and wondrous. A head of curls and a ready smile. Sly of tongue and sharp of wit. My bright and beautiful wondrous boy. Impish and horrid and altogether charming. You abide among the ancestors now and I am lessened for the want of you. Someday I will see you again when I pay the debt that all born things owe. Until then this year finds me sore broken and pained Some days I feel there is little left of me but a ghost waiting on a reunion. But I must remain a while longer. Sing songs of me my beloved son... and let them know that I endure.