White Box Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game- Review


  I love minimalist RPG systems. They are my favorite way to do tabletop role playing. This one is the White Box Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game and it is based upon the TSR White Box Dungeons & Dragons rules first published in 1974 and presented through the lens of Swords and Wizardry, an excellent retroclone in its own right. Charlie Mason presents a well written and edited rule book that shows off the early approach to tabletop gaming in a fun and accessible way.

    If you enjoy Dungeons & Dragons and have only played 5e then this is a fun, low cost way to try out Old School games and see if you enjoy them or not. The book clocks in at 150 pages and is a fast read. The rules are very light and depend on the GM to make rulings that are sensible and fair.
It is also a great base for building your own RPG material because it is easily hacked. You won't need to worry about breaking the game because the game itself is just a skeleton you can use as is or add meat to as you would like.

    The pdf is free on Drive Thru RPG and print versions are available for very small prices. If you want to experience a little of what D&D was like in the beginning this game is definitely for you. If you are an old hand at OSR games then this is an excellent tool for writing those forgotten campaigns of yore.

The game is available here.


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