Sanctuary in a Mad World

     Media does not exist to inform us. It exists to excite us. It is there to stimulate our fears and terrors and distract us from relevant things that we might actually effect. Today's big news has been Elon Musk purchasing Twitter. A few weeks ago it was the horror of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There are always oddball culture war things going on and no end of horrific news to keep us agitated. 

    Anxious, agitated people do two things. They fight with those who are different to themselves and they buy things to alleviate anxiety. The more agitated we are the more likely we are to fight to maintain the status quo even if the status quo is hurting us. We all want change. We want things to be better and more equitable and we want to feel safe. And there is no shortage of folks willing to sell you plans to achieve all of these things. Make a donation, buy my course, subscribe to this channel/blog/service and watch as your life magically improves. The problem is that many of these solutions presented seldom create any measurable or lasting change. It's not because the tools are all bad or that the producers are hucksters of the lowest order. Many of these tools and ideas are fantastic. But they are tools, not talismans. They require knowledge and skill to use.

    Our nervous systems are overstimulated. We cannot differentiate between imminent threats to our safety and well being and potential threats. Taking time to calm down, to relax without purpose other than resting and being calm in a safe space are the best survival skills we can cultivate. This isn't easy by a long shot. Especially not in our hyper connected news every second world. This isn't some tired screed about technology and how it is destroying the youth and all that rubbish. The Greeks were reported to bitch that writing would destroy people's ability to remember thousands of years ago. We humans seem to always simultaneously embrace and bitch about any new thing that comes along.

    I mentioned having a safe space earlier. I am not referring to the idea of some political talking point, that is another discussion. I am talking about a space where you feel reasonably free of threats. A sanctuary if you prefer. This is a place of shelter, a sacred space that exists only for yourself. It is your place to be and to heal. Sacred meaning "set apart" not necessarily spiritual or religious in this context. The process can be as simple as finding a tiny corner somewhere. A cave, an abandoned building, a secluded bit of park land. You have to use what is available. Declare this space yours and your time there your time. If you happen to find yourself unhoused, as I have in the past, then you can carry a sacred object. A colorful stone, a book, a small statue, whatever you have at hand. When you take the object out the space that you have placed it in becomes your sanctuary. As a rule any place where you feel you could sleep safely makes a good sanctuary.

    It's important to establish a home base, a safe space, a sanctuary in this world of frenzied media soup. Your ideological or political leanings have no effect on this practice. This is something that exists solely for your benefit. Like most of the things I try to share here, this costs you nothing. There is no price point or barrier of entry. You and a nice pebble you like are all that you need to start this practice. In a world of monetized "self care" practices we need free and accessible means to actually take care of ourselves.

    As Bruce Lee said: "Take what is useful and discard the rest."

    Thank you for reading this. I appreciate you.


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