Odd Morning

     It is morning here and I sit before my computer typing this entry. It is a strange day. I practiced some qigong and Tai Chi this morning and feel pretty good right now. I am mostly avoiding social media and news today. I feel apprehensive about today. Like I need to be a bit more aware and alert. Like my heart and mind need to be still and listen. It is like that moment when you are walking through the forest and all the birds go silent.

    The song "The Wolf In Your Darkest Room" has popped up on my playlist and it feels like that. Something is out there stalking us all and we can only wait for it. Then I get a flash of insight. The world, my subconscious, the universe, the Dao, God, whatever you call it is presenting a horror film for me. And that thought brings some comfort. I like horror movies quite a bit. The suspense and relief of suspense is a lot of fun. And that is I think the only sane response to a situation like we are living through today. 

    If I identify too closely with myself as a character in this story, I will be terrified. And that won't help me respond to any situation effectively. If something bad is on the verge of happening, then one needs to remain calm and ready to face the situation. I have never been in any situation that was improved by panicking. So here I am writing this entry and practicing my writing again today. One has to practice if one wants to improve, right?

    My friend's grandmother is dying right now and I feel for her so much. It is her first time losing a grandparent and I remember how hard it was for me. I hope she is as alright as she can be. She is strong and clever and funny. However, I empathize with that waiting game that is late stage hospice. It is all a very strange thing. 

    Whenever things like this used to happen. When the world felt strange and out of sorts my late mother used to say: "It is an odd season." Those words ring true today. It is an odd season and no season lasts forever. No danger is eternal. King Solomon meditated often: "This too shall pass." The trick is not to fall into a state of panic and anxiety as things are passing. 

    In my experience, the universe is cyclical. A bad time is always followed by a good time. Happiness turns to sadness and the reverse also happens. When tired one rests. When restless one acts. It is so important to embrace that cycle. Not to resist the flow of things  but to ride it and use it. We have to stop trying to control the world and instead harmonize with it. Mikao Usui said: "Just for today, do not worry." That is wise counsel indeed. We don't live a big arc of the future and the past is generally beyond most of our means to manipulate. All we have is today really and I shall take a step back and enjoy the flow of this day.

    I wish you all well. I appreciate you very much. Thank you for reading this. 


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