Let's Make a Fudge Character


  Good morning all, today I am working on an idea for a Fudge game I would like to run. So let's look at what parts of the Fudge RPG system that I intend to use.
I am skipping attributes because honestly, they don't do much unless you focus on them. Instead we are going to zero in on Skills, Gifts, and Faults. I use the Subjective Character Creation method because counting points bores me silly.

Here is an example character: Zealia Bishop, vampire socialite.

    Zealia is a beautiful blond lady with sad eyes and a gloomy demeanor, in life she was the promising wife of an up and coming businessman but after she killed him for his infidelity she met her sire who made her into a vampire in order to get access to the fortune she would inherit. 

Let's Start with Zealia's Gifts

Striking Looks- She is pretty and this gives her +1 to social rolls

Charismatic- Another +1 to Social rolls

Wealthy- She is still filthy rich thanks to her husband Daniel Bishop's fortune

Vampire- One of the Living Dead who must feed on the blood of the living to remain alive, this also lets her change into a wolf, bat, or mist, and gives her +2 to strength and a limited invulnerability.

There we go those are some nice, easy gifts that we can use to our advantage later. Now we have to balance those out with some Faults.

Anger Issues- -2 to keep from flipping out when things don't go her way

Enemy: Her sire Madeline- whom she hates with a purple passion

Rapture of the Night- Sometimes she gets carried away with her enhanced vampire senses and must shake herself free from the reverie

Murder Addiction- The first one was hard. Now it has gotten easier and Zealia has a genuine taste for it.

Ok that handles Zealia's basic information. Now we focus on her skills. In a subjective Fudge build you usually get nine of them. One at Superb (+3), Two at Great (+2), and six at Good (+1).

Charm Superb

Singing Great

Persuasion Great

Fight Good

Finance Good

Drive Good

Dancing Good

Writing Good

Willpower Good

Zealia is a charming social monster capable of charming her victims and talking her way out of most situations. She has learned a lot since Madeline turned her into a vampire so she has skills in finance and driving (She loves cars so much.) This leaves us with one other little aspect that I like to include. And that is that she has six wound levels and ten blood points.

Blood 10

Wound 6

Here is what the whole sheet would look like (I hate printed character sheets so I usually make these on notebook paper)

Zealia Bishop
- Beautiful vampire socialite. A tall blonde woman with refined features and pale skin. She loves to affect the styles of the 1920's but has grown to love certain aspects of the 21st century.


Striking Looks- She is pretty and this gives her +1 to social rolls

Charismatic- Another +1 to Social rolls

Wealthy- She is still filthy rich thanks to her husband Daniel Bishop's fortune

Vampire- One of the Living Dead who must feed on the blood of the living to remain alive, this also lets her change into a wolf, bat, or mist, and gives her +2 to strength and a limited invulnerability.


Anger Issues- -2 to keep from flipping out when things don't go her way

Enemy: Her sire Madeline- whom she hates with a purple passion

Rapture of the Night- Sometimes she gets carried away with her enhanced vampire senses and must shake herself free from the reverie

Murder Addiction- The first one was hard. Now it has gotten easier and Zealia has a genuine taste for it.


Charm Superb

Singing Great

Persuasion Great

Fight Good

Finance Good

Drive Good

Dancing Good

Writing Good

Willpower Good

Wounds 6 Blood 10

    The mechanics are pretty simple. She rolls her skills when dramatically interesting and appropriate and can spend blood to boost results as needed. At zero blood she will go into a feeding frenzy. She can also spend  blood to heal her wounds.

    The character creation process and my choices helped to flesh out bits of Zealia's backstory and that is always fun

    So here we have a Fudge RPG character that we can use in our games to tell stories of urban fantasy and horror without worrying overmuch about detailed lists of armor, weapons, spells, and powers.  If you enjoyed this little look at Fudge please let me know. Take care until next time and I appreciate you!


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